Worthing Borough Council's leader goes live

Released: Thursday, 28 September 2023

The leader of Worthing Borough Council will be answering questions from the community at a live online event next month.

On Tuesday 10th October 2023 at 7pm, Cllr Dr Beccy Cooper will be going live on the Worthing Borough Council Facebook page to talk about current and ongoing plans to make the town cleaner, greener and safer for all.

There will be a chance for residents to submit questions to Cllr Cooper in advance as well as ask her live on the night.

The event ties in with The Big Listen, which last summer saw council officers and councillors travelling around the borough to listen to residents and visitors about what they love about Worthing and how they would like the town to change in the future.

Ahead of the Facebook live event, residents can submit questions by commenting on our Facebook post or sending a direct message. We would especially like to hear from people about the cost of living, social housing and the housing market, public transport, water quality at the beach and how to make the area cleaner, greener and safer.

Cllr Cooper said:

“As a council for the community we want to open up communication to let people know what's going on in our borough and how everyone can get involved.

“We're focused on building thriving, clean, green, safe local communities and this Facebook live event is a great opportunity to hear from you about how things are on your street.

“We love our coast and want to make sure that our sea is clean and supports lots of marine life. And as well as supporting our sea life, we want to be able to enjoy a swim. Have you been for a swim in the sea recently? How did you find it?

“The council is partnering with some amazing community groups and has introduced initiatives to help people with the cost of living. We are working to develop social housing on sites such as Teville Gate and Union Place and would value the opportunity to hear how increased energy, food and housing costs are impacting you.

“We are also working to make public transport, cycling and walking the easy, affordable and safe choice for getting around our town. What's your preference at the moment? If it's the car, what would help you make the switch?”

To watch the event live visit:

The video will also be available to watch on our Facebook page after the event for anyone that is not able to watch on the night.

Residents without access to digital services can get involved in future conversations by attending and asking questions at public council and committee meetings, taking part in consultations or contacting their councillor. To find out more, visit:

Photo: Cllr Dr Beccy Cooper

Cllr Dr Beccy Cooper (2022)

Photo: Worthing Pier

Worthing Pier (evening at sunset)


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Page last updated: 17 June 2024

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